Louis Vuitton Exhibition: Volez Voguez Voyagez #NYCVVV

We got to check out the brand new pop-up exhibit by Louis Vuitton in New York City during its opening week. Volez Voguez Voyagez is in NYC for a limited time: October 27, 2017 to January 7, 2018. Admission is free but timed reservations are recommended. There’s also an interactive app you can download forContinueContinue reading “Louis Vuitton Exhibition: Volez Voguez Voyagez #NYCVVV”

Spotlight: CreeesArt (Creees HyunSung Lee)

Today’s Spotlight is on a great artist I’ve had the privilege of meeting many times at comic cons all over the area. Creees HyunSung Lee, or CreeesArt, is a freelance comic artist with a background in cartooning from New York City’s School of Visual Arts, one of the most influential artistic communities in the world.ContinueContinue reading “Spotlight: CreeesArt (Creees HyunSung Lee)”

Instagram’s New “Swipe Left” Feature (The Good & The Bad)

Ever sat down & stared at your phone, trying to decide which of the 5 angles of your burger looked the best? Hate spending time editing your day-trip photos to collage them the best way into frames? Introducing: Instagram’s new “swipe left” feature! Much like a story on Instagram or Snapchat, you can now post upContinueContinue reading “Instagram’s New “Swipe Left” Feature (The Good & The Bad)”